So final year has officially begun. I am both excited for and dreading it, but it's a challenge that I am more than capable of overcome. To start of with we are looking at our major projects. For next week we need come up 3 potential ideas that we could put forward as a final project. I am looking forward to creating a project that I want to research, design and develop for the rest of the year.

Although I didn't get a placement, I feel the wealth of knowledge I have gained from working on Handicaddie for the past 2 years will help me produce my best piece of work.

My Initial Thoughts

These are just some of my first thoughts on what my major project could be. Firstly I had a look at previous projects for inspiration. There was quite a diverse range of topics and areas people looked into. Some based their ideas improving our environment or helping a specific type of person. Other developed their projects around personal experiences or hobbies that they find interesting. Next I wrote down my thoughts on what I was interested in or wanted to base my project around.

As I have been part of a golf start up for the last 2 years I wanted to delve deeper into this area and see what I could come up with. I am very passionate about this sport, I have a general idea of what would benefit players and what would help golf industry.
