Using my Initial thoughts, I was able to create a more detailed and in-depth brainstorm. I focused on what kind of content I was interested in and would enjoy developing.

I brainstormed each possible thought as far as I could go until I was left with trigger words that I could use as inspiration for a potential ideas. I also wanted to create a project based around my passion. So I conducted the same task solely on golf. I looked at products that are currently on the market and explored the problems that this sport faces. From doing this exercise I had all sorts of ideas. I normally fall victim to limitations when thinking of ideas, however having the creative freedom made me feel like the possibilities are endless. Even though some of the ideas are bad or crazy at the end of the day they are just thoughts that can lead to something bigger.



Potential Ideas/ Crazy 8 / Gut Check

It's time to put pen to paper. Using all that inspiration, I was able to put down all my thoughts and potential services to review. Displaying all the ideas out in front of me, allowed me to easily separate out the good ones from the bad. To do this I asked simple questions:



From a process of elimination I was able to narrow down my search and select 3 ideas.

What are my 3 potential ideas?